• Nationality: Italian & Swiss
• Mother of 2 children
• Langues: Italian, German, French, English, all fluent written & oral
• Researcher unique identifier(s): https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3354-830X
I hold a chair as junior professor at the University of Perpignan, France and I am group leader of SEAPHONY, a team working on soundscape oceanography and ecoacoustics.
PhD in bioacoustics and evolution of animal communication at the Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies at the University of Zürich and at the Bioacoustics Research Lab at Cornell University.
MsC in biology (behavioral physiology) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich (ETH Zürich).
Since 2023 Professor (CPJ), CEFREM - UMR 5110 CNRS, University of Perpignan Via Domitia, and group leader of the team SEAPHONY in Soundscape Oceanography and Ecoacosutics. HDR to be submitted in 2025.
2021-2023 Contract researcher in eco-acoustics at the University of Perpignan Via Domitia, CEFREM - UMR 5110 CNRS.
Co-chair of an industrial research chair of the Grenoble INP Foundation hosted at GIPSA-Lab, SigmaPHY, Institut National Polytechnique (INP) de Grenoble, CNRS, Grenoble Alpes University.
Post-doc fellowship at GIPSA-Lab, SigmaPHY team of Grenoble INP, CNRS, Grenoble Alpes University.
Post-doc fellowship at ENSTA-Bretagne, STICC/AP, passive acoustics team in Brest.
Post-doc fellowship at the Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies of the University of Zürich (CH).
I co-founded Chorus Institute in Grenoble and was PI in research and development working on the use of ecoacoustics for environmental monitoring. https://chorusacoustics.com
Co-manager of the Centre Mériscope, Qc. (Canada), a research and education centre on cetaceans of the St. Lawrence. The Centre Mériscope also hosted the fieldwork for my PhD. https://meriscope.com
I teach statistics (Master 1 Sciences de la Mer), Scientific English (Master 1 Sciences de la Mer), and Palaeontology (Cephalopods, L2).
Since 2021 I am a guest lecturer at the International Master in Bioacoustics, MoBi organized by the ENSE of the University of St Etienne (F).
Training workshops in ecoacoustics: principles and applications, lectures and practical work at Grenoble INP and Chrous Institute.
Since 2008, numerous Master 1 and 2 students in Switzerland and in France.
Co-supervision or co-mentoring of 6 PhD students: M. Ethève (2023 - ongoing, CEFREM, UPVD) X. Raick (2019 - 2023, Université de Liège (B)), M. Ferretti (2021-2024), Université de Pise (I)), E. Di Franco (2018-2021, Université de Nice), E. Desiderà (2016-2019, Université de Padova (I) & Université de Nice), L. Coquereau (2013-2016, Université de Bretagne Occidentale)
Since 2024 Member of the scientific committee of the Marine Reserve of Cerbère-Banyuls (F).
Since 2023 Member of the international working group “GLUBS” (Global Library of Underwater Biological Sounds) of the International Quiet Ocean Experiment (IQOE) program (SCOR & POGO).
2020-2024 Member of the scientific committee of the Parc National des Calanques (F).
Since 2019 Co-Pi of the working group “Acoustic Measurement of Ocean Biodiversity Hotspots” of the International Quiet Ocean Experiment (IQOE) program (SCOR & POGO). https://www.iqoe.org/groups/reefs
Committee and jury member of multiple PhD theses.